3.2. Illegal URL Protection

In this module you will examine security controls for accessing allowed URLs with API calls. You will use Postman client to simulate API call to illegal URL. If you are using prebuilt objects proceed to policy validation. Keep in mind, you will have to use objects with prebuilt suffix.

3.2.1. Examine unprotected API environment

  1. Launch Postman application
  2. Click Collections -> HR_API_Illegal -> Disallowed URL. Make sure authorization type is set to OAuth 2.0. From the list of available tokens select hruser and click Preview Request. Then click Send
  1. Examine the output

API call have passed through access control checks because security token is still valid. At this time we don’t have any specific security policy related to illegal URL so the API call is expected come through. Although this URL is not exist on the API server, hence the response from the back end is expected.

3.2.2. Illegal URL protection configuration

  1. In the BIG-IP GUI go to Security -> Application Security -> URLs —> Allowed URLs -> Allowed HTTP URLs
  2. Select both wildcard items, click Delete and confirm your selection
  3. Click Create and define allowed URL - Select Advanced from dropdown menu, define Wildcard and HTTPS; in the URL form specify /person* and uncheck checkbox Perform Staging. Select Header-Based Content Profiles and delete items 1, 2 and 3.
  1. Click Create
  2. Create another URL /department* with the same settings
  3. Go to Security -> Application Security -> Policy Building -> Learning and Blocking Settings
  4. Expand URLs section and set checkboxes for Illegal URL violation for “alarm” and “block”
  1. Click Save on the bottom of the screen and Apply Policy in the top right corner. You have just defined allowed URLs. Everything which is not allowed should be blocked by security policy

3.2.3. Validation

  1. Go back to Postman and run Disallowed URL API call again - this API call should be blocked
  1. In the BIG-IP GUI to Security -> Event Logs -> Application - Requests and examine the last log message
  1. Go back to Postman, expand HR_API collection, make sure you are using hruser token just like in the previous task and run the API call - it should return the list of departments